We Jewish people internationally appeal to Jews and Jewish organizations around the world to remove Israel flags from communal spaces, whether at Jewish schools, Jewish Federation offices or synagogues. It is clear to us - and much of the world - as the reports of B’Tselem and Human Rights Watch have demonstrated - that the Israeli State is an Apartheid regime and therefore, as international law correctly confirms, it is an ongoing crime against humanity.
The government of Israel, since its start, has been determined to totally subjugate or remove the indigenous Palestinians from the land they’ve lived in for centuries. The Jewish supremacist state of Israel is deeply discriminatory and necessarily violent towards Palestinians who naturally resist oppression and expulsion. Israel logically allies itself with Far Right and Anti-Semitic forces even though this endangers Jews worldwide. That may seem astounding, but these noxious alliances have long been the practice of the Zionist organizations that worked to create Israel.
It is increasingly important for Jews to distinguish between Judaism and the State of Israel and its policies. By featuring an Israeli flag prominently in our communal institutions we permit anti-Semites to believe that our interests are inextricably linked to those of a state whose policies we abhor.
The Israeli flag has the status of the Confederate flag.
We are appalled at the idea that it represents us.
It should be taken down.
Initial Signers
(college or organizational mention for identification purposes only)
Elizabeth Aaronsohn
retired professor of Teacher Education, Central CT State University
Benjamin Balthaser
member of Jewish Voice for Peace
Marcia Bernstein
retired social worker
MSW from Hunter College, NYC
Daniel Boyarin
Taubmann Professor of Talmudic Culture, UC Berkeley
Prof. Haim Bresheeth
Professorial Research Associate
SOAS University of London
Author of: An Army Like No Other: How the Israel Defence Forces Made a Nation
Judith Butler
Professor and author
UC Berkeley
David Cannon
Chair of Jewish Network for Palestine
Robert Cohen
Jewish writer on Israel/Palestine
MA student at Lancaster University
S. Cooper
Translator of Yiddish
Judith Cravitz
Merav Devere
Dr. Harry Feldman
Cobargo, Australia
Sid Frankel
University of Manitoba
Judith Fieldstone
Chevy Chase. MD
Joseph C. Gerson (PhD)
Campaign for Peace, Disarmament & Common Security, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Sue Goldstein
Artist and activist, Toronto
International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network-Canada
Tony Greenstein
Vice President, Brighton & Hove Trades Council/Unit
Brighton UK
Stanley Heller
Host of "The Struggle" Video News
Henry Herskovitz
Biological Jew
anti-Israel activist; member, "Witness for Peace"
Ann Arbor, Michigan USA
Steve Krevisky
CT Peace and Solidarity Coalition
Bernice Laschinger
David Letwin
Jews for Palestinian Right of Return
Rutgers PTLFC AAUP-AFT, Local 6324
Michael Letwin
Former President, Assn. of Legal Aid Attorneys/UAW 2325
Jews for Palestinian Right of Return
Rabbi David Mivasair
Hamilton, Ontario
Seth Morrison
Jewish Voice for Peace
Sarah Plant
Composer, Activist with immigrants' organization NYC
Susan Pashkoff
London, GB
Vivienne Porzsolt
Jews against the Occupation Sydney
Karen Pomer
co-founder, Jews for Palestinian Right of Return, and
granddaughter of anti-Zionist Bergen Belsen survivor.
Roland Rance
Ned Rosch
Recently returned from working in Gaza
Margaret Ratner Kunstler
Human Rights Attorney
David Rothstein
Stamford, CT
Richard Silverstein
Publisher, Tikun Olam
Michael Steven Smith
Co-host, Law And Disorder Radio
Inbar Tamari
Norman Traub
Leigh on Sea, Essex
retired NHS (National Health Service) Consultant
Dr Philip Ward
Retired - Sheffield
Dr Rodney Watts member JNP/JVP,
signatory JJP chairman www.campain.org
Lives near Gateshead, NE England
Julie Wornan
Retired computer professional
climate activist living in France
b.h. Yael
Artist/Professor, Toronto
OCAD University
(40 initial signers)
If you are Jewish [religiously, culturally, by birth, heritage, etc. ] and you'd like to sign on as a supporter of this statement:
1) send an email to mail@thestruggle.org with message
"I want to sign on the 'Take Down the Flag' statement".
2) Add your full name and a line of identification (profession, or activist group, or college, or general geographic location, etc.)
More Signers:
Wendy Brown
UC Berkeley
Alex Nissen
Specialist Trauma Counsellor
Feminist Lesbian Human Rights Activist
Israel Australia
Miranda Pinch
Hampshire UK
Dr Jo Tulloch
Retired Social Worker & PSC member
Brighton, UK
Diana Neslen
Ilford Essex England
Helen Martins
Retired editor, UK
Second generation
Shlomo Dowen
Active Citizen
(Nottinghamshire, England)
Ron Mendel
retired senior lecturer in International Relations and Politics
Bristol, UK
Elizabeth Morley
Aberystwyth , Wales
Wieland Hoban
Composer and translator
Jewish Voice for a Just Peace in the Middle East (Germany)
Andrew K. Liberman
Social services case manager
Judy Favish
Simon Korner
Labour Party
Jonathan Bellos
Brighton UK
Rosalind Levy
South London, UK
Sylvia Finzi
London, UK
Iris Hefets
Jewish Voice for a Just Peace in the Middle East
Gabriel Hagai
Orthodox Rabbi
Paris, France
Peace Activist, and Member of many International Interfaith Dialog Organizations
Yosefa Loshitzky
Professorial Research Associate,
SOAS, University of Lonodn
Richard A. Levy,
founding attorney of Levy Ratner
a P.C, labor and civil rights law firm
Nirit Sommerfeld
Israeli-German actress, singer, writer, activist
Sonya Levene
Member of Jews for Justice for Palestinians
Member of Na'amod
Member of Manchester Palestine Solidarity Campaign
Dr. Hadas Leonov
Board member of the "Jüdische Stimme für gerechten Frieden in Nahost"
(Jewish Voice for Just Peace in the Middle East)
Ana Ratner
Hudson Valley, Sculptor, Creator of The Other Almanac
Fran Bartkowski
professor, Rutgers University-Newark,
and/or Montclair, New Jersey
David L. Mandel,
human rights attorney
Active member of Jewish Voice for Peace,
Democratic Socialists of America,
California Democratic Party Central Committee
Sam Weinstein
International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network
Michael Kalmanovitz
signing on behalf of the
International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network UK
Robert Rosenthal
Member, Jewish Voice for Peace
Suzanne Nobel
Master's Student Hispanic Studies, McGill University
Laura Schielfer
Co-Founder, Plant the Land Team
Total Liberation Campaign Director, Institute for Critical Animal Studies
Bernard Spiegal
David Mario Comedi,
Physicist, Professor,
National University of Tucumán and CONICET,
Caroline Finkelstein
International civil servant, Retired
International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network
Nathan Finkelstein
Director, Research and development, Retired
International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network
Elizabeth Berger MD
Child Psychiatrist
New York, NY
Roger Tucker
Editor/Publisher One Democratic State
Born Jewish but not tribal
Robert Kirchner, PhD
Associate Professor
Dept. of Linguistics, University of Alberta (retired)
Wolfe Erlichman
Independent Jewish Voices
Kingston, Ontario, Canada
Stuart Soloway
member Jewish Voice for Peace
Somerville, Ma
Lucía Pizarro
Rabbi at the Jewish Liberation Theology Institute
Hamilton, Ontario.
Claudia Chaufan, MD, PhD
Associate Professor
School of Health Policy and Management
York University
Toronto, Canada
Cathy Gulkin
Documentary filmmaker
Toronto, Canada
Noam Perry
Researcher at investigate.afsc.org
American Friends Service Committee
Jewish Voice for Peace
Karen Platt
JVP member
Albany CA
Henry N. Lowi
lawyer, law professor, anti-Zionist
Mark Cramer
France and USA
Author of Old Man on a Green Bike: Chronicles of a Self-Serving Environmentalist
Mitch Bollag
Concord, North Carolina
Ruth Fruchtman
Rae Abileah, Kohenet
Ordained Jewish Clergy
Beautiful Trouble
Member, Jewish Voice for Peace
Jan Galkowski
retired statistician, test engineer
active quantitative ecologist and amateur bryologist
Miriam Meir
Human Rights Activist.
Calgary, Canada
Dr. Sheila Delany
Emerita, Simon Fraser University
Vancouver, BC, Canada
Elizabeth Block
Toronto, Canada
Member of Independent Jewish Voices
Tracy S. Feldman
Associate Professor of Biology
St. Andrews University
Laurinburg, NC
Marty Rosenbluth
Immigration and Human Rights Attorney
Jim Haber
Unceded Ohlone territory
aka San Francisco Bay Area
Tanya Ury
Jewish by birth, artist and writer,
allied to The Jewish Voice for a Just Peace in the Middle East,
Harold Shuster
Independent Jewish Voices - Winnipeg
Winnipeg, MB Canada
Cheryl Gaster, LL.B., C. Med
Human Rights Lawyer (Retired)
(100 signers)
Sylvia Cohen
Jewish Network for Palestine (JNP)
Ellen Isaacs
retired physician,
member JVP NYC, co-editor multiracialunity.org
Ellen Cantarow
New York City
journalist and longtime writer on Palestine
Helga Mankovitz
Member of Independent Jewish Voices
Kingston, Canada
David Skulski
General Manager
Peretz Centre for Jewish Culture
Elsa Auerbach
Professor Emerita
University of Massachusetts Boston
Marty Roth
Emeritus professor,
University of Minnesota and IJV-Vancouver
Ruth Matilsky
Highland Park NJ
Member of Jewish Voice for Peace
Member of an egalitarian havurah
Leon Pulsinelle
Jewish Voice for Peace,
Central NJ
Marion Munk
Piscataway, NJ
Retired Visual Arts Professor, Middlesex College
Elias B. Trout
Brandeis University Class of ‘21
Michael Levin
Rabbi Brant Rosen
Mika Wisnefsky
student Connecticut/London
Jamie Pagirsky, MPA
Homeless Outreach Worker,
Andrew Shapiro
New York, NY
Member, Jewish Voice for Peace
PhD Candidate, The Graduate Center, CUNY
Alan Meyers
Emeritus Professor of Pediatrics
Boston University School of Medicine
Jewish Voice for Peace Health Advisory Council
Palestine Advocacy Project
Cambridge MA USA
Ronda Cooperstein
Retired prison librarian
Zach Kerner
Attorney, New York
Marc Siegel
Professor of Film Studies
Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany
Mocha Jean Herrup
Jewish Voice for Peace Boston
Rabbi Michael Lerner
Editor, Tikkun Magazine
Chair, The Network of Spiritual Progressives g
Rabbi, Beyt Tikkun Synagogue-Without-Walls in S.F. and Berkeley, CA
Sarah Plant
Immigrant rights activist, Composer
Zachary Sklar
Writer, New York
Deidre Radford
Vice President
Red Rock Democratic Club
Las Vegas, NV
Nancy Stern
Associate Professor
The City College of New York, CUNY
Leslie Goldberg
Henderson, NV, USA
Michael Sappir,
Leipzig, Germany
Noel Hamel
New Malden, England
Jonathan M. Lohnes
PhD Candidate
Cornell University
Cornell Collective for Justice in Palestine
Ann Jungman
author, London
Sylvia Cohen
Jenny Kassman
Labour Party
London, UK
Riva Joffe
Psychotherapists and Counsellors for Social Responsibility
Jews for Justice for Palestine
Micah Bazant
Berkeley, CA
Judith Cravitz
Jews for Justice for Palestinians
Jordan Reznick, Ph.D.
Faculty, California College of the Arts
Member, Standing Up for Racial Justice, Bay Area
Richard Wagman
Honorary President,
French Jewish Peace Union
(UJFP - Union Juive Française pour la Paix)
Jacques Bude
Professor emeritus
University of Brussels
Jeremiah M. Gelles, MD FACC
Brooklyn, NY
Didier Samain
University Professor (Paris, France)
Michael Nagler
The Metta Center for Nonviolence, Founder and President
Robert E. Lerner
Professor Emeritus of History; Northwestern University
Benjamin Mordecai Ben-Baruch, Ashland OR
Former curriculum writing fellow, Melton Research Center of the Jewish Theological Seminary
Former principal, Adat Shalom United Hebrew School (United Hebrew Schools of Metro Detroit)
Former principal, Temple Beth Jacob, Pontiac MI
(Dr) Ron Witton
Austinmer NSW 2515
Haskell Musry.
Darwin Australia
member of Jews Against the Occupation (JAO)
Martin Munz
New South Wales
Michelle Berkon
Sydney Australia
Alisa Gayle-Deutsch
Toronto, Canada
Mitch Bollag
Jews Against Zionism. Concord, NC
(149 signers)
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